Can an MBA really double your salary?


Research suggests that an MBA can significantly increase your career earnings but the challenge is picking the right one.

Xin Deng Senior Economic Researcher at University of South Australia believes that MBAs and other post graduate study can add to your earning potential. But she adds that the key is doing a cost benefit analysis first.

Flexible working hours a farce for Aussie dads


New Research from UniSA shows that organisations need to lift their game when it comes to providing flexible work to Aussie dads.

According to University of South Australia researcher, Dr Ashlee Borgkvist says the low uptake of formal flexible working arrangements by dads is primarily due to a perceived, and quite often objective, lack of support from workplace managers and colleagues alike.

In Australia, only 2% of organisations have set targets to improve men’s participation in flexible work.

“Workplace flexibility is typically accepted as an option for mothers, but when it comes to dads…