Are you living the dream? Do you have the life you want or are you ready to make it happen?
The Financial Planning Association (FPA) recently published the results of their ‘Live the Dream 2017’ national sentiment survey.
They surveyed more than 2,600 Australians aged between 23 to 71.
What they found was while 77 per cent of us believe in our ability to create the life we want, only a quarter of us (23 per cent) say we are actually ‘living the dream’.
Living the dream means different things to different people, but consistent amongst Gen Y, Gen X and Baby Boomers is financial freedom and independence, and living the lifestyle of their choice.
For those not living the dream, a low bank balance was consistently the biggest dream blocker!
So how do those who are ‘living the dream’ enable themselves to achieve their dreams?
1. They have strong personal habits
They are family-oriented, and are five times more likely to engage in spiritual activity.
2. They dream about the future
81 per cent are really thinking, versus 61 per cent not living their dream.
3. They plan ahead and stick to that plan
This makes them more likely to turn their vision for the future into a reality.
4. They have high levels of self-belief
96 per cent (versus 54 per cent) believe they will create the life they want.
5. They seek advice from others
Those living the dream are almost three times more likely to seek advice from a financial planner when making financial decisions.
6. They have fewer regrets and less financial stress
In fact, Australians who are living the dream have the lowest levels of financial stress of all our population.
One in three are not stressed at all about their finances compared to just one in ten who are not living the dream.
See the full report here.